Any type of plants is in need of large amounts of phosphorous for plants to grow well. For plants that were not able to receive enough amounts of phosphorous, it will definitely show stunted growth and browning of the leaves will start on the lower part of the plant and spreading upwards. One best way to prevent phosphorous deficiency in your herb garden or any type of garden is the use or application of phosphorous fertilizer to young plants. Not all plants have the same amount of phosphorous requirements. All species of plant have different phosphorous requirement.
Why is Phosphorous Important?
Phosphorous plays a very important role in plant growth and in photosynthesis. Synthesis of the plant’s DNA also needs phosphorous. Aside from DNA synthesis, plant growth, and photosynthesis, phosphorous in also important in storing cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP and adenosine diphosphate or ADP. Both adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) energies have a very important role in the intracellular transportation of nutrients across cell walls of plants and the production of both nucleic acids and proteins.
Phosphorous and Plant Growth
Just as mentioned above, phosphorous is important in proper plant growth. Applying phosphorous fertilizer to the soil of your garden during your plants’ early lives can help in ensuring that your plants can receive enough amounts of phosphorous for good root growth and growth of strengthened stalks. Aside from those mentioned, phosphorous is also important in helping plants grow and mature earlier than those plants who do not receive enough amounts of phosphorous.
Different Forms of Phosphorous Fertilizer
There are 2 major different forms of phosphorous fertilizer, liquid phosphorous fertilizer and dry phosphorous fertilizer. To determine which form of phosphorous fertilizer is best for your plants, you will have to take into consideration on its application method, weather and/or climate condition, type of root growth, type of soil, and what is the plant’s specie.
Phosphorous Organic Sources
If you do not want to use purchased phosphorous fertilizer that is commercially prepared, you can make your own organic phosphorous fertilizer or you can still find organic phosphorous fertilizer for sale and are not expensive. Organic sources for phosphorous can include manures of various animals and even sewage sludge. Making your own fertilizer using animal manure and/or sewage sludge can also be done, thus you can save and make sure that the phosphorous fertilizer you are using does not contain any harmful chemicals.