Organic fish emulsion fertilizer is a type of concentrated fertilizer that contains enough or even contains abundant minerals and various nutrients that can help in the growth of your herbs and other plants. However, not all people find organic fish emulsion fertilizer to be a good idea for their garden, because, organic fish emulsion fertilizer smells somewhat like dead fish, since it is made from real dead fish. Aside from the unpleasant smell from the organic fish emulsion fertilizer, there are other reasons why people do not use it for their garden and prefer to use other alternative substances.
Organic Fish Emulsion Fertilizer Alternatives
As mentioned above, there are several different reasons why a person or a gardener does not prefer to use organic fish emulsion fertilizer even if organic fish emulsion fertilizer can easily be made at home and has a lot of benefits. Here are some other alternative substances that are used as an alternative to organic fish emulsion fertilizer:
- Hydrolyzed Liquid Fish – this type of fish fertilizer is somewhat similar to fish emulsion fertilizer, but it does not depend on heat and acids to digest the nutrients and minerals found in fish wastes. When in fact, hydrolyzed liquid fish contains more proteins, enzymes, micronutrients, and vitamins than organic fish emulsion fertilizer. However, hydrolyzed liquid fish does not contain as much nitrogen as organic fish emulsion fertilizer.
- Fish Meal – This type of organic fertilizer is a great alternative or substitute or organic fish emulsion fertilizer. Fish meal or fish powder is a dried fish fertilizer that is heat processed then finely ground. The fish meal or fish powder fertilizer contains abundant amounts of phosphate, nitrogen, and potash, which are very important in the proper and healthy growth of various plants and even herbs. The fish meal or fish powder fertilizer can even be used as a solute to a solvent. Fish meal is water soluble and can easily be used as a foliar fertilizer.
Things to Consider In Choosing Organic Fertilizers
Not all types of plant find one type of organic fertilizer to be as effective. Before choosing or finally deciding on what type of organic fertilizer you are going to use, you have to make sure that you have done a little research about the needs and requirements of your plants. Some organic fertilizer contains more nutrients than other organic fertilizers. That is why, to make sure that you have chosen the perfect fertilizer for your garden, you have to know the contents of the organic fertilizer and the needs of your plants.