Phosphorous is one of the 3 basic nutrients commonly found in fertilizers, may it be commercial fertilizer or organic fertilizer. Before you purchase any commercially prepared fertilizer or before you make your own fertilizer at home, you should first know what your plant or entire garden needs. If you have an herb garden that needs support for the root systems for it to improve or if you have a fruit garden that needs support for fruit production. Always keep in minds that each plant has its own needs, when it comes to nutrients.
Balance of All Minerals and Nutrients
It will not do any good if you will only provide your garden or lawn with phosphorous and nothing else. When you are still in the planning phase of whether you are going to use a fertilizer or not, always make sure that your soil is really in need of phosphorous. To be sure of what your soil needs, there is actually a home soil testing kit that can determine the present level of nutrients that is already in your soil. Testing your soil for the level of nutrients can also determine what is missing in your soil. If the test results show low levels of phosphorous fertilizer, then you will need to apply a fertilizer rich in phosphorous.
Redness of Leaves
If you do not have any access to home soil testing kit to determine whether your soil contains low levels of phosphorous, then there are other possible ways on how to determine phosphorous levels. One sign of plants that are deprived from phosphorous is the reddening of the plant’s leaves. If you will notice that the leaves of your plants are starting to get red, then most probably, there is a low level of phosphorous in your garden soil. However, do not directly conclude that the cause of the reddening of your leaves is low phosphorous level, reddening of the leaves can also be caused by intense light, water deprivation, or even insect infestations.
Sources of Phosphorous
Even though phosphorous are natural occurring in soils, there will still be cases that phosphorous levels will not be sufficient for all your plants’ needs. Most phosphorous fertilizers do not get their phosphorous contents from soil, commonly, phosphorous are derived from various fossilized materials that are recovered from various places around the world. For the phosphate rock to be transformed to phosphorous solution, sulfuric acid will commonly be mixed with it.