Organic Fertilizer for Your Herb Garden

Organic fertilizers are naturally occurring fertilizers, such as certain animals’ manure, slurry, worm castings, seaweeds, guano, humic acid, etc.

Using Organic Fertilizer in Your Herb Garden

Incorporating organic fertilizer into an herb garden provides nutrients plants need while avoiding chemicals. Organic options like compost, manure, and worm castings slowly release nourishment to ensure ongoing healthy growth.

Key Points:

    • Organic fertilizers derived from natural sources enrich soil without chemicals.
    • Options like compost, manure, and worm castings slowly release nutrients.
    • Organic fertilizers enhance microbial life and replenish nutrients.
    • They produce healthier herb plants and soil over the long term.
    • Best practices involve testing soil, alternating applications, and supplementing with compost.

What are Organic Fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers come from natural sources like animal manure, compost, aquatic plants, green manure, and minerals. They renew soil health by feeding beneficial microbes and replenishing nutrients. Organic fertilizers do not contain synthetic chemicals or ingredients. Using organic methods contributes to sustainable gardening.

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Advantages of Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers offer multiple benefits:

  • Improve soil structure and water retention capacity through added organic matter
  • Release nutrients slowly over a longer period of time
  • Enhance microbial life and activity in the soil
  • Add a wide spectrum of macro and micronutrients plants need
  • Avoid synthetic chemicals that can harm ecosystems
  • Reduce risk of fertilizer burn compared to chemical types
  • Produce healthier plants and higher nutrient value in harvested herbs

Organic fertilizing supports the natural processes and biological life within the soil that are essential for plant health.

Disadvantages of Organic Fertilizers

However, there are some potential drawbacks to organic fertilizers:

  • Nutrient ratios are not as controlled compared to chemical blends
  • Nutrients are not as concentrated per volume of fertilizer
  • Takes more time and effort to produce homemade organic formulas
  • Manure-based types may harbor pathogens if not properly aged
  • Some organic fertilizers like fish emulsions have strong odors
  • Application and availability may be limited for large-scale gardening

While requiring more work, organic methods contribute to the long-term fertility and sustainability of garden soil.

Best Practices for Using Organic Fertilizer

Follow these tips to successfully fertilize an herb garden organically:

    • Test soil to identify needs before applying fertilizer
    • Use compost and organic matter to optimize soil health
    • Select fertilizer formulas based on herbs’ nutritional needs
    • Apply lower-concentration organic fertilizers more frequently
    • Use slow-release types like compost and worm castings for steady nutrition
    • Alternate fertilizer applications with soil-enriching cover crops
    • Supplement with organic liquid fertilizers like fish emulsion or compost tea

Examples of Organic Fertilizers for an Herb Garden

Fertilizer Key Nutrients How to Use
Compost NPK, micronutrients Mix into soil or topdress
Manure Nitrogen primarily Compost and apply
Worm castings NPK, micronutrients Mix into soil
Kelp meal Potassium, micronutrients Top dress or compost
Alfalfa meal Nitrogen, vitamins Light top dressing

With smart practices, herbs can thrive on natural fertilizers alone. Consult resources to learn more about using organic methods effectively.


Using organic fertilizer and methods contributes to a sustainable, thriving herb garden by feeding soil health and beneficial microbiology. With smart practices like routine soil testing, alternating fertilizer applications, and incorporating compost, herbs can flourish on nature’s fertilizers alone. Organic techniques require some additional work but pay off through enhanced plant and soil quality for the long haul.


What are some common organic fertilizers?
Compost, manure, worm castings, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, fish emulsion, and rock dusts like granite meal.

How often should I fertilize my herb garden organically?
Apply every 2-3 months during the growing season, supplementing with compost and rotate cover crops.

When should I fertilize herbs with organic fertilizer?
Early spring and mid-summer are best. Avoid mid-late fall.

How much organic fertilizer should I apply per herb plant?
Follow package instructions but often 1-2 tbsp per 1 sq ft of plants.

Can I make my own organic fertilizer?
Yes, compost and worm bins create homemade organic fertilizer over time.

Is manure safe to use as an organic fertilizer?
Only aged, composted manure is safe. Fresh manure can burn plants.

What is the best organic fertilizer for container herbs?
Worm castings, compost, bone meal, and organic slow-release granules or spikes.


Related posts:

  1. How to Apply Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
  2. Important Uses of Phosphorous Fertilizer
  3. Is Fish Oil Fertilizer Good?
  4. DIY Worm Tea

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