Information About Aromatic Herb Sage
If you want to grow sage in your new herb garden design, then certainly this information is worth for you. Basically, sage is an aromatic perennial herb. While growing sage at your home, you should plant this aromatic herb as border or near backside of your garden. The reason to grow it in this way is; it grows around 2” tall. The leaves of sage have culinary flavor for which people use it as herb. It gives aromatic perfume and amazing health related features. Thus, you will not only get beautiful color and texture by growing sage in your garden but it attracts useful pollinators in your herb garden design.
Sage In Your Kitchen
Grow sage to enhance your kitchen and taste of your delicacies. The flavor and taste of sage is loved by people living in different corners of the world. Adding this herb in your food items will definitely make the food more tasty and delicious. Especially, in meats people love using sage. In addition to meat, sage is extensively used in cheese items. If one use sage in excess amount, it can change the entire flavor of the food because of its strong scent.
Grow Sage In Large Size Of Pot For Container Gardening
If you are preferring container gardening and want to grow sage in a planter or container or pot etc. then it is recommended for you to use big size of pot only. In such type of pot, the sage can nourish and grow in proper way. For its full growth, it requires ample space and that spacing can be covered if you provide sage a right sized pot. Sage grows in great length and thus, if you use any small pot, then it will prove only waste of your effort.
Tips To Grow Sage
In aromatic herbs, sage is counted as an influential herb which is also called as companion for carrot, cabbage and rosemary. Though, you can grow sage in any season except cold weather. So, if you want to grow sage in winters, then you should only go for container gardening and locate this plant only indoors. To protect sage from winters, you should use mulch in heavy amount. The plant stays healthy and happy only if you provide it a soggy situation. A sunny location is the best place for sage.
Grow Sage To Get Exclusive Benefits
Being an aromatic herb, sage is useful as it provides amazing scent and also gives medicinal benefits. The oil of sage is used as remedies for different ailments. It has great antibiotic and antiseptic qualities. It helps the body to fight with several infections. Sage is known as a spasmolytic, carminative, and anti-hidrotic. People mostly use it for treating issues like throat, mouth or tonsils’ inflammation as it soothes the membranes of mucus. In addition to it, sage has several other usages for treatment of female issues.