Vertical Herb Garden Design Using a Lattice Fence
Either you want to make a vertical herb garden design for some space efficiency or you want it to cover up some unsightly walls, then you can surely benefit from a vertical herb garden design. As a matter of fact, vertical herb gardens still have a lot to offer, from its advantages up to its environmental benefits. If you already have a standing lattice fence in your garden, or outside your house, your work in making a vertical herb garden design is already one step easier. Lattice fence can’t only be used in growing herbs, there are even many vegetable plants that love growing on a lattice fence. Lattice fences are also used to be grown with flowering plants that can make any house look attractive and full of colors.
Material Needed in Making a Vertical Herb Garden in a Lattice Fence
Must Haves:
- Lattice Fence
- Lightweight Plastic Pots (size will depend on how big you want your vertical herb garden to be)
- “S” hooks (The number of S hooks needed will usually be twice the number of your total plastic pots. Ex: 5 lightweight plastic pots and 10 S hooks)
- Herbs of choice. If your main purpose of your herb garden is for you to use in cooking. Herbs with culinary purposes (thyme, mint, rosemary, parsley, etc) will be most beneficial.
- Potting Soil
Optional Materials:
- Acrylic paint
- Paint brush
- Labels
Steps in Making a Vertical Herb Garden using a Lattice Fence
Using a lattice fence in making a vertical herb garden is by far one of the simplest ways in making a vertical herb garden I know of. Just as long as you place your lattice fence somewhere with good source of natural sunlight, then your herbs can easily thrive and grow healthily. Here are its simple steps in making a vertical herb garden using a lattice fence.
- First, fill at least ¾ of the lightweight plastic pot with potting soil.
- Once all plastic pots are filled with potting soil, you start transferring your herbs and plant it to the newly potting soil filled plastic pots.
- Attach 2 “S” hooks beneath the lip of each plastic pot and hang it onto the lattice fence. Make sure that each “S” hook is at least 1 inch apart. Or if you are using large plastic pots, you can just adjust the hooks to ensure balance and sturdy hold.
- Once all plastic pots with herbs are done, water your new vertical herb garden.
Optional Things to Do:
- If you want to label your herbs, you can do so by using paint, stickers, or whatever material you can think of.
- You can also paint your lattice fence according to your color theme.