Grow Mint & Enjoy Benefits

This is the right way to grow mint in your garden. So, follow these steps and enjoy mint in your kitchen right away.

Grow Mint & Enjoy Benefits

Grow Mint In Your Garden & Enjoy Mint Tea Anytime Round The Year

If you are crazy about mint tea, or you love using mint in different recipes that you make daily in your kitchen, then the idea to grow mint in your herb garden design will prove the best. This idea is more beneficial than buying mint from market. It is very easy to grow. Just see following steps and consider these steps to grow mint in your herb garden design. It is a quick process and for a mint lover, it would be a great job to watching this plant growing.

Buy A Plant Of Mint And Start Growing

To grow mint in your garden, firstly you should obtain a mint plant. For this purpose, we suggest you to get an already grown plant of mint. This plant will be called as mother mint plant of your garden. From any nearby grocery or general store, you can get this plant in few pennies. When buying plant, you should be very alert and check that the plant should be free of any type of bugs or insects. These bugs can ruin all your effort and your plant will be destroyed. If you think to start your mint plating with seed, then you will definitely regret later on.

Mother Plant Should Be Planted In Large Pot

Herb Garden Plant - Grow Mint

Mint Plant

To grow in proper way, mint requires ample space and thus, a small pot will not do justice with mint plant. Get a large sized pot for your mother plant of mint. While choosing a compatible pot for your mother mint plant, you should presume upcoming plants that will soon appear near the mother plant. So, you have to give room to upcoming plants. For this purpose, choosing a vast pot for mother plant is essential. The pot must have a hole at the bottom because in such pot, the water can better flow and also use a plate under the pot. It is because, the water which will come out of the hole, will again be absorbed in the soil.

Give Intense Care To Mother Mint Plant

With good care of mother plant, you can give good experience of using mint. So, do not neglect caring mother plant. For its better growth, you should keep the plant near the window or in outdoor garden area because at such places, it can get necessary sunlight which is requisite element for its development. Mint is known as a mild aromatic herb for considering weather resistance. Water supply in adequate way is also mandatory for mother plant. You should give enough water time to time. However, it is not meant that you have to water mint for whole long day, but give water on particular time – morning and evening.

Sprig Cutting & Wait

Sprig cutting is another necessary act to grow mint properly. It is not essential that every sprig of this plant should be full of leaves; however cutting sprig is utmost important. You have to cut sprig for only above a cm a junction. When you will cut out sprigs, now branches will grow on its place soon. After that, you have to wait for the time when roots will grow. Just in a week, some small sized roots in white color will appear under water. With some more time, it will reach at decent length.

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