Pizza Herb Garden – To Enjoy Italian Pizza All Year Round
Growing your own food gives you an energizing feel of self-sufficiency. It also saves a lot of bucks from your pocket as well as time visiting supermarket every time you have to cook something special for dinner. If gardening would be your new experience or you have only a small space to use all your design creativity and gardening skills, growing useful herbs can be an easy way to start. To help you plant a very planned and stylish pizza herb garden with recycled materials following is a very interesting idea you would love to use in your balcony or backyard.
A Pizza Herb Garden
Themed kitchen garden is a revolutionary idea to start growing ingredients for a few of your most favourite food items at home. If you are doing it first time, start with simply choosing a favourite recipe that you most often cook in our kitchen and then plan your herb garden based on that.
Today I have chosen the theme of “Pizza Garden” as it’s a favourite of many of you. For a pizza theme you need to plant herbs like saga, oregano and also pizza thyme to be used in tasty Italian pizza. A small pizza container garden can be an ideal birthday gift for your friends and relatives. To create a garden all you need is:
- Containers with drainage holes
- Organic potting soil
- Herbs – Parsley, basil, oregano, thyme and anything else you like in your pizza. You can also add tomato and hot pepper plant in your list.
- Sun – A place where these herbs can get at least 6 hours of direct sun light
Planting the Herbs
Take the container and cover the drainage hole with something that let the water out while restricting the soil goes out. Next, add enough potting soil to your container so that you can set the plants 2 inches below the top layer of the soil. Before placing the plant to your container gently pull all its roots apart if they are packed together. Provide each plant enough room to flourish, do not stuff all the plants together as some of the pizza herbs, particularly basil needs space for air circulation. If you are using a single container for planting pizza theme herbs, put thyme and orange and parsley on the edges as they tend to drape. Basil is good to be placed in the middle as it goes upright. When you are finished planning the herbs to the containers water them generously.
Place the container/ containers in full sun and water regularly when the soil is dry. Use diluted liquid fertilizer every 3rd or 4th week.
Some Useful Tips for Pizza Herb garden
- To keep your basil bushy all the time, use it more often – the more you cut the more they grow.
- Use fertilizers only when it’s important – too much use of fertilizers may spoil the taste of the pizza herbs.
- Chives also taste good on pizza and grow very easily
- Cut back parsley dill before it flowers.
- Arrange for grow lights to make it a year round container garden.
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