Herb Garden Design

How to Make Vertical Herb Garden in Your Kitchen

How to Make Vertical Herb Garden in Your Kitchen

Creating a vertical herb garden for your kitchen is an excellent idea to get fresh herbs instantly. If you are looking for ideas to have your own herb garden in your kitchen, you are at the right place. There are many people who insist on buying herbs from market especially the frozen ones as they think it’s tedious to upkeep an herb garden. But this is not true, even at your faced pace life; you can maintain a good herb garden without much upkeep. The main idea is to design herb garden in a way that it consumes less space and also increases the beauty of your kitchen interior.

Vertical Herb Garden Setup Is Easy And Anyone Can Do It

If you are thinking that you have to invest a lot of time and money to set up vertical herb garden in your kitchen, then it’s not true. You don’t have to invest any large amount and if you have a scarcity of time, you can distribute the setup in a week by investing 30 minutes every day. I hope this sounds good. Isn’t it? If you a novice in herb gardening don’t worry it’s not science. It’s very simple; just follow a step by step plan.

Vertical Herb Garden in Your Kitchen

Vertical Herb Garden in Your Kitchen

Determine A Spot

The first step is to determine the space in your kitchen. If you have a small kitchen, you can set-up a vertical herb garden by buying a stand similar to the one in the picture here. Many people have an open kitchen attached with the living room or hall. If you have such an arrangement of kitchen, you can buy an iron stand (vertical planter) that gets fixed in the wall near the window. A vertical arrangement of herb garden is much better than traditional ones because you can have a variety of herbs grown by utilizing minimum space.


When you are done with the installation of vertical planter, it’s time to get the vertical garden tool kit. It is easily available and it’s not expensive.  The vertical herb garden kit will have the necessary tools that you can use with your vertical planter to fix things the way you want. Some kits also have lightning kits but as long as your garden is near window and not in isolation from light and air, you’d probably don’t need it.

Do It Yourself Idea

If you want to setup the vertical herb garden without such garden kits, you can also do it on your own. You will need:

  • Burlap
  • Furniture Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Water proof adhesive
  • Plant seeds or younger seedlings
  • Soil
  • Garden film
  • Wooden Pallet

Take a wooden pallet and attach the burlap on one of its side. Cover the other end with garden film. Now it’s like a vertical box, one side covered with burlap and other with garden film. Make sure the wooden pallet has one closed end and one open. Now, pour the soil from the open end and fill the wooden pallet. When it’s filled with soil, make some holes in the burlap with scissors. On these holes, attach the young seedling or filled them seed. And then place the wooden pallet in any location you want in the kitchen.

More Ideas On Herb Gardening

Setting up a vertical herb garden in your kitchen is an excellent idea and its fun too. If you are looking for ideas on vertical herb garden design, please read the article on how to make a living wall. There are many ideas in our website which you may find very useful to setup your herb garden. You can click here to visit our webpage for more articles on herb gardening.

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