Herb Garden Design

Herb Garden Design And Its Implementation

Herb Garden Design And Its Implementation

Grow Herb For Their Refreshing Fragrances

Why visit a nursery when you can have your very own herb garden with new and innovative herb garden design ideas! Attaching the green beings to your lodging or office or any work place for that matter is the most sought after idea running in minds. All of us know well that herbs play amazing roles in food preparation, consequently health benefits, medication and not to be missed the refreshing fragrances some of them possess.  Now there’s always a certain way in which you can embellish these herb garden design around you.

Starting Off With Innovative Herb Garden Design

container herb garden on the table

Herb Garden Design

Herb garden design  shouldn’t be a herculean task. Just know a few basics well before you get started. Have a clear idea of the area you want to be covered. Make sure its not very close to the free roadways,  keeping in mind their delicate nature and to be protected from much pollution.  Have a list of the herbs you wish to grow. Keep in mind their spacing as each may require variant spacing according to their growth pattern. In an average though, 1-1.5 square feet  of area allocated to one herb is safe.

Herb Garden Design: Selection And Allocation Of Plants

The very first thing is to be callous while selection of the herbs you plan to grow. They shouldn’t be mistaken for weeds neither should they have the scope of breeding a kind.  Also avoid growing them at a stretch. This is because that way the maintenance becomes tedious. The best option is to build paths between the herbs. That way there is easy access to them and it adds to the beauty as well. Also it is not a very good idea to use lots of chemicals. Herbs lose their identity and consequently lose substance.

The paramount thing is to include good specimens of herbs, both from health and decoration point of view. Have a good balance between the flowering and the non-flowering herbs. Choose lice textured leafy herbs in good amount. They give a dramatic and unique look when placed in a pattern among different plants.  You can also keep in mind the seasons favourable to them and also the local climatic conditions and remove them before they cause any damage.

You May Choose A Herb Garden Design Formal Or Casual

Now according to your place of interest the garden look can be both formal and casual. Although the formal look seeks meticulous care and fine details to be highlighted. They have strict patterns like square, rectangle, placed on low/high beds, definite color pattern or sometimes signifying something. A casual layout may be for your home, gives you an enjoyable freedom. You can aim for irregular, fun shapes, avoid queuing and repetition.  Having easy pathways in between the plants becomes mandatory for you to easily take care of them.

Implementation Of The Herb Garden Design You Created

Use pots for different herbs. You can even place them at door entrances, near windows etc.  You  can use old wooden furniture, shelves or even artifacts to give a base to the herbs. A few herbs that can be recommended are rosemary, rose, marigolds. For the substantial part, lavender, sage, basil, thymes, mint , iris are very good picks. There’s no end to experimenting with the different designs and plants you can choose. Most of the herb garden design work out with the careful laying out of the foundation.

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