Herb Garden Design

Grow Chocolate Mint In Your Herb Garden

Grow Chocolate Mint In Your Herb Garden

Enjoy Aromatic Herb Garden Design With Interesting Herb Ideas

The use of different aromatic herb in a herb garden design is the first requirement for an aromatic herb garden design. Therefore, one has to do a depth research of various aromatic herbs to grow in a garden if interested in an aromatic garden. In such aromatic herbs, chocolate mint is an interesting aromatic herb which has several benefits and is very easy to grow as well. Read on this article and get to know all about growing chocolate mint in your herb garden design.

Chocolate Mint Grows Rapidly & Needs Minimal Care

This aromatic herb chocolate mint is amazing and it grows in rapid speed and does not need much care. Get this herb to your garden and grow it in your patio or herb garden design to enjoy its enticing aroma day and night. It gives wonderful fragrance and has amazing qualities. Walking across the plant of chocolate mint will make your mind fresh and all your tiredness will get away immediately.

Some Helpful Instructions To Grow Chocolate Mint

herb Garden Design - Grow Chocolate Mint

Chocolate Mint Plant

If you want to get amazing aroma of chocolate mint in your life, then you should adopt the idea to grow chocolate mint in your garden right away. For this purpose, you should learn to plant this herb in your garden. This plant should be grown in container because there is few rampant growth issues associated with this plant. This plant is quite invasive. For containing roots, you should burry the container in ground or you can also keep it over porch.

Required Soiling And Watering For Chocolate Mint

This plant should be grown at a place where it can find enough space to spread. You should use well-drained soil for planting chocolate mint. When this plant gets enough spacing, it gets exposed greatly. So, do remember that choose a place where mint can grow without getting interrupted by any other plants. It should be placed in full sunlight or partial sun shade. Timely watering is essential for the development of this plant. Provide mint 1-2” water every week in spring or summer. However you should not give excess amount of water to this plant because it may lead to several diseases like mildew or rot.

Check Chocolate Mint Plant Regularly

If you have grown this aromatic herb in a planter, then you have to check it on regular basis. The main reason behind it is that the soil of this plant gets dried very quickly in summer season. The constant drainage of water is also essential, so it would be great if you use a planter with a hole in the bottom. It should be fertilized in the season of spring. You should use granular fertilizer in balanced amount like 10-10-10 and then sprinkle it all around the chocolate mint plant.

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