Herb Garden Design

Different Soil Types

Different types of soil as background

Different Soil Types

Learn About Different Soil Types To Get Benefits Of Rich Gardening

Soil is the most important element in growing any plant. Those who are passionate about gardening and want to enjoy rich garden should compulsorily learn soil types and purposes for which it is being used. In general, growers or gardeners use 5 types of soil to grow different kinds of plants or crops. In this article, you will learn about various soil types in detail. This information will definitely prove beneficial for you.

Sandy Soil Type

In common soil types, sandy soil are one of the most popular and commonly used soils. It consists to largest particles and when you will touch it, you will feel dryness and grittiness in this soil. This quality develops due to excessive space in soil and the ability to not to hold water. In sandy soil type, water rapidly drains. Water goes through exactly to seedlings where roots of the plant cannot go. In this soil, there is no chance for plants to use the nutrients. This soil is very light and one can easily work with it. In spring season, it gets warm in faster way.

Silty Soil Type

This is also common soil type with small sized particles if comparing with sandy soil. If you touch silty soil, you will find it smooth. After getting moistened, silty soil becomes soapy slick. Rolling this soil between fingers, your skin will get filled with dirt. It retains water for longer time. As this soil contains retentive moisture quality, so that it remains quite cold and poorly drains. One can easily compact this soil type and it would be recommended to avoid trampling while working in your garden.

Clay Soil Type

The soil type clay contains the smallest sized of particles. The quality of small sized particles enables clay soil type to store water for longer period. When it is wet, it feels sticky when one touches it with hands. When it gets dry, it gives a smooth feel. Due to its narrow space and small sized particles, little air can pass through. It provides strong hold to nutrients of the plants for its quality of slow drainage. Thus, we can say that clay soil is great plant food and provides good growth to plants. This soil is also cold and takes great amount of time to get warm in spring season. In summer season, clay soil becomes too hard that turning it becomes quite difficult.

Features For Peaty Soil Type

Peaty soil can be found in two colors – black and brown. It is rich with organic matter and high in water content for which it can easily be compressed. When, peaty soil gets drained, it tends to get heavily saturated and then it turns to be a great growing medium. In summer, it becomes too dry and seems like fire hazard. The best quality of peaty soil type is its capability of holding water in dry months and ability to save roots from being damaged in wet months. It contains acid water which is used for regulating chemistry of soil and acts like an agent that controls soil disease. It becomes quite difficult to form ball from peaty soil when it gets rolled. Its touch is spongy and water forces out when one squeezes it.

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